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Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in teams and exercise leadership skills on projects.

Throughout the MLPD program, collaboration played a key role to achieving the desired outcome. The same goes for real estate development, where no one person can do it all. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and a good leader knows how to leverage the best qualities from everyone. Actively listening to key objectives and executing on given tasks are some of the components that make a project successful. I have worked with various personalities and ultimately adapted to various situations to achieve the desired outcome. The MLPD program reinforced my collaborative skills that I had previously possessed and transformed them to make me a better team player. LDEV 689 – Entrepreneurial Enterprise in Land and Property Development, my teammates and I were tasked to create a company, acquire existing properties, add value to them, and dispose of them at a profit. This project required immense collaboration skills to complete the task. We leveraged our different sets of skills to efficiently complete the project. The project can be seen below.

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