Market Analysis
Evaluate market analysis tools and techniques that underpin property development and investment feasibilities and establish the highest and best use of property assets.
Understanding and implementing the critical role of market analysis is the basis of any real estate development project. Without demand, there is no project. In LDEV 664 – Market Analysis for Development, I utilized ArcGIS Business Analyst to forecast demand for different types of asset classes. Our final project was a proposal to the Robinson Family who own Robinson Ranch near Austin, TX. My group members and I were tasked to conduct a market analysis of the 7,000-acre Robinson Ranch located in North Austin. Recently Apple invested one billion dollars to a 133 acre site on Robinson Ranch. This new facility will employ 5,000 employees by 2022 with the capacity to expand to 15,000. Our group focused our market analysis solely on the multifamily sector of the real estate development industry. The project below communicates our findings and proposed uses for the site.